Book Four, Page 1 (…aaand we’re back!)
by Cory Levine on August 29, 2014 / 2 Comments
After a painfully long hiatus, we here at Bowery Boys HQ are thrilled to be back as we begin Book 4 today. For those of you who have been with us all along and waiting for the Boys to return, we thank you for your patience.
If you’re new to Bowery Boys, welcome welcome, enjoy your stay. Click here to start from the beginning.
Moving forward we won’t be publishing so frequently as we previously did, instead opting to publish more consistently. Come back every Tuesday for a new page, beginning next week. We anticipate that we can carry on at that pace through Books 4 and 5, which will round out the first volume of Bowery Boys.
You might be wondering why we’re starting Book 4 on a Friday if our normal publishing schedule will be Tuesdays. Well… There’s some big news coming down the pipe today. Several exciting things to share in the coming weeks, actually. And along the way we’ll be adding new features and functionality to our home base here at BoweryBoysComic.com. For now, check in with the Bowery Boys Facebook page, or follow Cory on Twitter for the game-changing announcement!