Book Four, Page 21
by Cory Levine on January 13, 2016 / Share your comments...
After a long hiatus, Bowery Boys returns to the web! Apologies for the long delay, but thanks to those of you have stuck with us. And WELCOME! to those of you just joining us for the first time. We hope you enjoy our webcomic.
If you’re new here, you’ll probably want to start from the beginning.
While we’ve been away, Bowery Boys was published in a beautiful hardcover edition by Dark Horse Comics. They’re sort of the best possible publisher for a book like ours and I’m so pleased with the work they did. It’s a wonderful physical object to hold in your hands.
You can find it on Amazon if you’re the old fashioned paper and ink type. Keep an eye out here for signed copies, which will be available soon. And if you’re looking to lend some support to your favorite independent comic creators, take a spare moment and leave us an honest review of the book on Amazon or Goodreads.
I’ve also been out publicizing the book on the convention circuit. We were at Comic Cons in Boston, Manchester, Baltimore and New York, as well as the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo in Cambridge, MA. Each one was better than the last. Exhibiting at the shows was an important learning experience and it was gratifying and encouraging to talk about our work with fans and pros alike. I’ll be hitting the road again in 2016, calendar to come soon.
We’ll be publishing the remainder of the story here on the site, twice a week. Come back every Monday and Wednesday for more of the bone-crunching, eye-gouging, minority-oppressing, and moral compromising ACTION you’ve come to know and love from our little journey through American history.
And connect with us on your favorite social media channel for more exciting updates coming soon. Get at us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We truly look forward to chatting with you.
Get at it.